Free Previews from Bars & Striped - Spanked in Uniform
You may find it hard to believe, but corporal punishment of inmates in female prisons still take place, all over the world! And if you think that this practice only occurs in remote countries far away from where you live, then you are very wrong! It's a fact, corporal punishments in women's prisons - mostly in the form of severe beatings on the bare bottom - could even be taking place in YOUR country, even if you live in a cultured and civilized part of the world. Of course, if you try to speak with inmates about these practices, you will never hear the plain truth. For a girl who has been going through regular spanking punishments in a prison, it's just too much shame, disgrace and embarrassment to admit to it and share her experiences. Get All Videos at Spanked in Uniform.
Rules are Rules
While we were investigating the matter, we came across a most interesting web site about an institution, where the operators are not afraid of revealing the bald truth. Corporal punishment, carried out in the form of strict and severe spanking on the bare bottom, preferably with a cane, paddle or other suitable spanking implement, is a daily routine at the Bars & Stripes Facility. As often as required, even if it means punishing the same girl's sore bottom multiple times in one day. Even the smallest infractions of the facility rules will result in a young lady having to lie flat on a bed, or bend over a chair, or even to be bound on the dreaded punishment bench, but always with her bare bottom presented to a warden, in expectation of a serious spanking on her buttocks. Get All Videos at Spanked in Uniform
Repeated Offenders
For repeated offenders on the same day, you may wonder what happens, if a bottom is still sore from a punishment from just a few hours earlier? The Governor and his team at Bars & Stripes are reasonable and sympathetic people, but we have seen for ourselves that they do not hesitate to swing the cane across the same bottom again and again, as often as required, at any daytime, even on buttocks that are already severely marked from a previous drubbing. Get All Videos at Spanked in Uniform
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Prison Spanking at Spanking Server
Yasmeena's Bare Ass Whipping At Prison
Yasmeena Caned In Diaper Position At The Police Station
Severe Prison Caning For Foxy
Kate Caned By Police Officer
A Stinging OTK Spanking For Sissy
Sissi's Ass Whipping In Prison
The Cane For Vicky's Bare Bottom
Sissi Gets Her Ass Caned In Prison
OTK Spanking In Prison For Naomi
Prison Caning For Yasmeena
Chelsy spanked OTK In Prison
Vicky's Bare Back Whipping In Prison
Prison Spanking at Firm Hand Spanking
Naked High-Speed Paddling For Lucy Lauren On Tiptoe Has Her Jumping
Sound Strapping For Lucy As She Learns How Things Work In Prison
Flat Over A Desk, Panties Pulled Down, Lucy Lauren's Finale Caning Begins
The Humiliation! Prison Officer Zoe Put Over An Inmate's Knee To Be Spanked!
The Dreaded Hairbrush Gets Zoe Yelping When She Goes Over Lucy's Knee
Lucy's Revenge Turns Up The Heat With A Nude Caning For Zoe Page!
A Wooden Paddle Meets Lucy Lauren's Bouncing Bottom In Prison
Stripped Naked, Prison Officer Zoe Page Is Strapped As Revenge
Lucy Lauren Is Sent To Jail, Stripped And Spanked
Panties Pulled Down, Smart-Mouthed Lucy Lauren Is Paddled Bare Bottom
The Stinging Smack Of A Wooden Paddle On Zoe's Bare Bottom: Lucy's Revenge!
Bare Bottom Paddling For Zoe Page, Cheeks Bouncing From Lucy's Swats